Monday 15 August 2022

Randall Collins


Randall Collins


An American Sociologist who belongs to the Integrative Conflict Theory. He was influenced by Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Goffman, but he criticized Marxist account of social conflict and gave a wider theory of conflict theory.

His work on conflict pays more attention on how conflict arises from social stratification and the consequences of interaction among individuals. His conflict theory also builds a theoretical bridge between micro and macro theory.

Collins’ Five Basic Principles of Conflict Analysis:

1.     Self-interested actions: He believed that people should think of people as animals, whose actions are motivated by self-interest.

2.     Got affected by material arrangements: He believed that actors are prone to be affected by material objects, such as: the physical places, the supply of weapons, mode of communication, devices for staging one’s public impression, goods, tools.

3.     Control over resources: According to Collins, in case of inequality, those who have control over resources are more likely to attempt to exploit those who have less or no resources.

4.     Cultural phenomena: He urged the conflict theorist to look at beliefs and ideals from the perspective of interests, power and resources.

5.     Stratification: He gave strong emphasis on the scientific study of stratification and every single aspect of the social world.

His major works regarding conflict:

Social Stratification

Integrative Conflict Theory

     Conflict Sociology: Toward an Explanatory Science

Social Stratification: 

Collins believed that the interaction is the root cause of any conflict. While explaining social stratification or interaction rituals, he has point out at the level of interaction, if there is a interaction there would be a conflict. In the case those people who are inherently social, they must be conflict prone in their social relations because according to him, ‘violent coercion’ can always be deployed against any person engaged in a social interaction. 

Integrative Conflict Theory: 

Collins says that conflict consists of visible or dramatic events, like strikes or terrorist attacks. It can be as simple as daily life arguments or revolution that brings change in belief systems. 

Conflict Sociology: Toward an Explanatory Science: 

This work of Collins is much more micro-oriented than the macro. By this book, he gave a great contribution to the new areas of sociological theory of stratification, such as: sexual roles, and microsociology. He focuses on real people in real life rather than larger structures, like social class or social organizations.  

Collins other notable works:

Macro & Micro

Interaction Rituals

Four Sociological Traditions

The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global Theory of Intellectual Change

Interaction Ritual Chains

Violence: A Micro-Sociological Theory