Monday 15 August 2022

Randall Collins


Randall Collins


An American Sociologist who belongs to the Integrative Conflict Theory. He was influenced by Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Goffman, but he criticized Marxist account of social conflict and gave a wider theory of conflict theory.

His work on conflict pays more attention on how conflict arises from social stratification and the consequences of interaction among individuals. His conflict theory also builds a theoretical bridge between micro and macro theory.

Collins’ Five Basic Principles of Conflict Analysis:

1.     Self-interested actions: He believed that people should think of people as animals, whose actions are motivated by self-interest.

2.     Got affected by material arrangements: He believed that actors are prone to be affected by material objects, such as: the physical places, the supply of weapons, mode of communication, devices for staging one’s public impression, goods, tools.

3.     Control over resources: According to Collins, in case of inequality, those who have control over resources are more likely to attempt to exploit those who have less or no resources.

4.     Cultural phenomena: He urged the conflict theorist to look at beliefs and ideals from the perspective of interests, power and resources.

5.     Stratification: He gave strong emphasis on the scientific study of stratification and every single aspect of the social world.

His major works regarding conflict:

Social Stratification

Integrative Conflict Theory

     Conflict Sociology: Toward an Explanatory Science

Social Stratification: 

Collins believed that the interaction is the root cause of any conflict. While explaining social stratification or interaction rituals, he has point out at the level of interaction, if there is a interaction there would be a conflict. In the case those people who are inherently social, they must be conflict prone in their social relations because according to him, ‘violent coercion’ can always be deployed against any person engaged in a social interaction. 

Integrative Conflict Theory: 

Collins says that conflict consists of visible or dramatic events, like strikes or terrorist attacks. It can be as simple as daily life arguments or revolution that brings change in belief systems. 

Conflict Sociology: Toward an Explanatory Science: 

This work of Collins is much more micro-oriented than the macro. By this book, he gave a great contribution to the new areas of sociological theory of stratification, such as: sexual roles, and microsociology. He focuses on real people in real life rather than larger structures, like social class or social organizations.  

Collins other notable works:

Macro & Micro

Interaction Rituals

Four Sociological Traditions

The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global Theory of Intellectual Change

Interaction Ritual Chains

Violence: A Micro-Sociological Theory

Wednesday 28 July 2021


Aristotle said that man is a social animal. The individual cannot be imagined without the society and the society without the individual. Even in the history of man kind, from the beginning to the present day tells that men has been living in a group or has lived collectively.

"Socialization is the process through which social beings develops relationships & association with each other."             - MacIver.

Human life has two main bases:

(i) Zoological base: The physical and mental abilities that the child receives from the parents at the time of birth. 

(ii) Social base. He learns to walk, eat - drink, speak, behave, read - write, exchange ideas and innumerable things like this only in the society.

The society itself does the work of transforming the zoological animal into a social animal, and that process of transformation is called socialization. 
There are different agencies nd social institutions, which does the socialization throughout the life of an individual. 

In the above figure, from family to marriage are considered as the primary group, and others are the secondary groups. 

Tuesday 27 July 2021

MCQ on Community, Association & Institution

 1. Assertion (A): Institutions are necessary to maintain social harmony in society.

    Reason (R): Without institutions society would be anarchistic & chaotic which is terrible condition to live.

   (a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

   (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.

   (c) A is true but B is false.

   (d) A is false, but B is true.

2. Assertion (A): Before the pre-modern era, romantic love in the marriage was an alien concept. 

    Reason (R): Modernism taught humans to the beauty of physical intimacy and emotional fulfilment.

    (a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.

    (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.

    (c) A is true but B is false.

    (d) A is false, but B is true.

3. 'A society is not a community, but an organization in a community'.  Which of the following is this statement : 

    (a) False Statement.

    (b) True Statement.

    (c) Not Known.

    (d) Controversial

  4. Select the feature from the following which does not belong to the community:

     (a) Fixed land area

     (b) We-feeling

     (c) Self-development

     (d) Voluntary membership

5. Which of the following would not you call a community:

     (a) Nation

     (b) Panchayat

     (c) Delhi

     (d) Village

6. What is Ujjain city?

    (a) Community

    (b) Association 

    (c) Society

    (d) Group

7. What is the specialty of the association:

    (a) Self-development

    (b) Voluntary Membership

    (c) Permanent Organization

    (d) None of these

8. Which of the following is not a association?

    (a) Family

    (b) Marriage

    (c) Cricket team

    (d) Caste 

9. 'Caste is a closed class.'  Who has said this? 

    (a) Ketkar

    (b) Cooley

    (c) Majumdar and Madan 

    (d) G.S. Gurey 

10. Which of the following is a community?

    (a) Caste 

    (b) Family

    (c) Refugee camp

    (d) Village

11. Identify the characteristics of a community from the following:

    (a) Fixed purpose  

    (b) Voluntary membership

    (c) Normal life

    (d) Temporary nature

12. Village, town, province and nation are examples of:

    (a) Association

    (b) Institution

    (c) Crowd

    (d) Community

13. Which of the following association:

     (a) Political Party

     (b) Constitution

     (c) Examination 

     (d) Public

14. Which of the following is not a association:

      (a) Indian Cricket Team

      (b) Secret ballot system

      (c) Central Public Service

      (d) College Hostel 

15. Which of the following is not an essential element of community:

      (a) Definite geographical area 

      (b) Community spirit 

      (c) immutability 

      (d) self-born

Answers: 1 (a), 2 (a), 3 (b), 4 (d), 5 (b), 6 (a), 7 (b), 8 (b), 9 (c), 10 (d), 11 (c), 12 (d), 13 (a), 14 (c), 15 (c).


Institution is a system of social norms and roles to implement the rules to fulfil the goals, which are made by the associations. 

"Social Institutions are the structure devised to of a particular social group." - MacIver & Page

Examples:   Family, Education, Law, Religion & Economy.

Characteristics of an institution:

  • The function of the institution as a unit in the entire culture system.
  •  Arrangement of rules and procedure. 
  • Intangible nature.
  • More sustainability.
  • One or more objectives
  • Cultural equipment.
  • Symbols
  • Tradition. 


To maintain the existence and conduct the life of a man as a social being properly, he needs to fulfil his different types of necessities, then man forms a committee to get those needs and objectives, that committee is known as an association.

"An association is a group organized for the pursuit of an interest or group of interests in common." - MacIver & Page

Examples: Trade Unions, Leisure Clubs, College Neighborhood Groups, Political Parties, Churches/Temples.

Characteristics of Association:

  • Group of people.
  • Fixed objectives.
  • A definite organization.
  • Thoughtful establishment committee.
  • Based on rules.
  • Voluntary membership. 
  • Formal relations among the members.

Monday 26 July 2021

MCQ on "What Is Sociology?"

1. Sociology is derived from _____?
    (a) Latin & Polynesian 
    (b) Latin 
    (c) Greek 
    (d) Latin & Greek 

2. Who divided the discipline of sociology into three parts., social morphology, social physiology and general sociology? 
     (a) MacIver 
     (b) Auguste Comte 
     (c) Max Weber 
     (d) Emile Durkheim 

3. Sociology is different from other disciplines-------
     (a) Its measurement scales method
     (b) Its scientific method
     (c) Its kind of questions it asks & particular perspective it uses
     (d) The special interest in explaining human behavior 

4. The founder of 'American Journal of Sociology'
      (a) L. H. Morgen
      (b) A. Small
      (c) L. Febvre
      (d) E. Durkheim

5. Twin sister of sociology is
      (a) Philosophy
      (b) Anthropology
      (c) Psychology
      (d) Political Science

6. Meaning of Socius and Logos
      (a) Society & Law
      (b) Society & Science
      (c) Society & Study
      (d) Companion & Study

7. Sociology is considered as, "a scheme for scientific social development" by whom?
      (a) E. Simmel
      (b) Mitchell
      (c) Max Weber
      (d) Auguste Comte

8. Who defined sociology as a subject dealing with groups?
       (a) M. Wilson
       (b) Hobhouse
       (c) H. M. Johnson
       (d) None of them.

9. The World Congress of Sociology was held in-----
       (a) Kolkata
       (b) Washington
       (c) New Delhi
       (d) Madrid 

10. Sociology is emerged as a response to----
       (a) The Green Revolution
       (b) The revolutionary social changes stemming from the effects of the industrial revolution and the               philosophical debated of the 19th century Europe
       (c) The French Revolution
       (d) The cultural changes taking place during 17th century worldwide. 

Answers: 1 (d), 2 (d), 3(c), 4 (b), 5 (b), 6 (d), 7 (b), 8 (c), 9 (d), 10 (b)

Sunday 25 July 2021

Alfred Schutz

Born: 13 April, 1899, Vienna, Austria Hungary.

Died: 20 May 1959, New York, US.

Major Influences: Edmund Husserl,

                              Max Weber,

                               Emile Durkheim,

                               Edmund Simmel

Major Influenced:   P. L. Berger,

                                T. Luckman,

                                 Harold Garfinkel. 

Although Edmund Husserl is the founder of Phenomenology, Alfred is considered as the father, due to his contribution in giving the proper structure to phenomenological sociology.

His major works are:

The Social Construction of Reality (1966)

Phenomenology of the Social World (1932)

Concepts given by Schutz:

Life World (Originally, the concept of the “Life Word” was given by E. Husserl.)



The Social Construction of Reality (1966)

The Social Construction of Reality was started by Alfred Schutz, and finished by P. Berger & T. Luckman. Though his work, Alfred wanted to explain that, reality is constructed by man and that he (men) does believe in.

He used and coined the following terms in his work:

Typification: It is a process of constructing social standards or expected behavior based on social assumptions. There are two types Typifications: first order typification, and second order typification. The former one naturally made up by typical model of things and people who are bringing up with the sense of assumptions based own their common sense and stock of knowledge in their hands. The latter one is a rational model of social world, and according to Alfred Schutz, it’s a responsibility of sociologists to construct the second order of typification.

Stocks of Knowledge: The stock of knowledge is based on the individual’s experiences that he got through his understanding of society, which further leads to develop common sense and assumptions.

Recipes: The term ‘recipes’ is coined by Alfred Schutz. It refers to the process that man creates and remembers actions in a way to complete them.

Phenomenology of the Social World (1932)

Alfred’s main aim behind this work was to raise the questions on the scientific potential of the social sciences. According to him, the scientific study of social world must focus on: Inter-subjectivity, meaning, and life-world.

Inter-subjectivity: Being a part of a society, men experience a shared world, which further develops emotions, thoughts, and understanding. When it comes to inter-subjective, consciousness is usually too subjective. So, the social world must be studied the meaning of subjective actions and behavior. 

Meaning: Everything has meaning, whether it’s an object, social interaction, experience or anything. This meaning creates intentional acts, which tends to be subjective.

Life-world: How naturally an individual applies meaning to everything in the life world, those become elements of the life-world. Through the unconscious process of interactions, which causes men to take the elements of the life-world for granted, or until further notice.