Monday 26 July 2021

MCQ on "What Is Sociology?"

1. Sociology is derived from _____?
    (a) Latin & Polynesian 
    (b) Latin 
    (c) Greek 
    (d) Latin & Greek 

2. Who divided the discipline of sociology into three parts., social morphology, social physiology and general sociology? 
     (a) MacIver 
     (b) Auguste Comte 
     (c) Max Weber 
     (d) Emile Durkheim 

3. Sociology is different from other disciplines-------
     (a) Its measurement scales method
     (b) Its scientific method
     (c) Its kind of questions it asks & particular perspective it uses
     (d) The special interest in explaining human behavior 

4. The founder of 'American Journal of Sociology'
      (a) L. H. Morgen
      (b) A. Small
      (c) L. Febvre
      (d) E. Durkheim

5. Twin sister of sociology is
      (a) Philosophy
      (b) Anthropology
      (c) Psychology
      (d) Political Science

6. Meaning of Socius and Logos
      (a) Society & Law
      (b) Society & Science
      (c) Society & Study
      (d) Companion & Study

7. Sociology is considered as, "a scheme for scientific social development" by whom?
      (a) E. Simmel
      (b) Mitchell
      (c) Max Weber
      (d) Auguste Comte

8. Who defined sociology as a subject dealing with groups?
       (a) M. Wilson
       (b) Hobhouse
       (c) H. M. Johnson
       (d) None of them.

9. The World Congress of Sociology was held in-----
       (a) Kolkata
       (b) Washington
       (c) New Delhi
       (d) Madrid 

10. Sociology is emerged as a response to----
       (a) The Green Revolution
       (b) The revolutionary social changes stemming from the effects of the industrial revolution and the               philosophical debated of the 19th century Europe
       (c) The French Revolution
       (d) The cultural changes taking place during 17th century worldwide. 

Answers: 1 (d), 2 (d), 3(c), 4 (b), 5 (b), 6 (d), 7 (b), 8 (c), 9 (d), 10 (b)

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