Tuesday 20 July 2021

Sociologists And Their Notable Works (C)

 The given list of the social thinkers and their concepts and works.


Works Or Concepts

Thinkers And Authors

Primary Group

C. H. Cooley

Looking Glass-Self Theory

C. H. Cooley

Primary & Secondary Group

C. H. Cooley

Human Nature & Social Order

C. H. Cooley

Social Organization

C. H. Cooley

Social Process

C. H. Cooley

Elementary Structure Of Kinship

C. Levi Strauss

Alliance Theory

C. Levi Strauss

A Natural Science of Society

C. Levi Strauss

Power As Symmetrical Control

C. Levi Strauss

The Savage Mind

C. Levi Strauss

Conflict Theory

C. W. Mills

Sociological Imagination

C. W. Mills

White Collar

C. W. Mills

The Power Of Elite

C. W. Mills

Military Industrial Complex

C. W. Mills