Thursday 22 July 2021



Community refers to the number of people who share common: a sense of identity, location, and social network. The community has the following characteristics:

·        It is a social group.

·        It has a definite location.

·        It has a sense of We-feeling.

·        It is Permanent.

·        It has similarities among members.

·        It has a particular name.

·        There is no legal status in any community.

·        It is concrete.

Examples: A Tribe (tribal community), a village, a city, or a working-class community.

Significant works of sociologists on community:

‘Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft’ (Community and Civil Society) - Ferdinand Tonnies.

‘Definitions of Community: Areas of Agreement’, Rural Sociology – G. Hillery

‘Community Life’ – G. Crow and G. Allen

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