Thursday 22 July 2021

Sociologists And Their Notable Works (K)

The given list of the social thinkers and their concepts and works. 


Works Or Concepts

Thinkers And Authors

Sexual Politics

Kate Millet

History of Existing Societies in The History of Class Struggle

Karl Marx

Surplus Value

Karl Marx

The Poverty of Philosophy

Karl Marx

Force of Production

Karl Marx


Karl Marx

Conflict Theory

Karl Marx

Capitalism & Commodity Fetishism

Karl Marx

Historical Materialism

Karl Marx

Class Theory

Karl Marx

The Economic & Philosophical Manuscript

Karl Marx

Ideology & Utopia Social Planning

Karl Mannheim

Sociology of Knowledge

Karl Mannheim

A Sociological Theory of Culture & Its Knowability

Karl Mannheim

The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx & F. Engels

Property of Historian

Karl Poper

Human Society

Kingsley Davi

Population of India and Pakistan

Kingsley Davi

Structural Functional Approach

Kingsley Davi

Functional Theory of Social Stratification

Kingsley Davi

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