Saturday 24 July 2021

Sociologists And Their Notable Works (T)

 The given list of the social thinkers and their concepts and works.


Works Or Concepts

Thinkers And Authors

Family, Socialization & Interaction Process

Talcott Parsons

Pattern Variables

Talcott Parsons

AGIL Model

Talcott Parsons


Talcott Parsons


Talcott Parsons


Talcott Parsons


Talcott Parsons

Functional Imperative

Talcott Parsons

Universalization & Particularism

Talcott Parsons

Functional Prerequisites

Talcott Parsons

Action Frame of Reference

Talcott Parsons

Social System

Talcott Parsons

Quality - Performance

Talcott Parsons

Sick Role & Patient Role

Talcott Parsons

Geometric Growth of Population & Arithmetic Growth

Thomas Malthus

Resources Set the Limits of Population Growth

Thomas Malthus

The Society of Work

Theodore Caplow

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