Wednesday 21 July 2021

Auguste Comte

 Full Name: Isidore Marie Auguste Francois Xavier Comte.

Born: 1798, in Montpelier (France).

Died: 1857 (Due to Stomach Cancer), in Paris (France).

Major Influences: 1. Henri de Saint-Simon.

                              2. Immanuel Kant’s Positivism.

Major Influenced:    1. John Stuart Mill.

                                 2. Emile Durkheim.

                                 3. Harriet Martineau.

                                 4. Karl Marx.

                                 5. Herbert Spencer.

Auguste Comte, a French Philosopher who is known as the father of sociology. His major works are:

1.     Cours de Philosophie Positive (1830-1842) (six volumes)

2.     System de Politique Positive (1851) (four volumes)

Cours de Philosophie Positive (Course of Positive Philosophy)

The Cours de Philosophie Positive has six volumes, which were published from 1830 to 1842. Comte wanted to achieve two goals through his work: first, to build a foundation for the new discipline, ‘sociology’, while proving it as an ultimate science he coined the term ‘social physics’. According to Comte, studying society is a science, because just like science, experiments, observations, and comparisons can be done.

His second goal was to coordinate all the positive knowledge. According to him, any knowledge, which can be scientifically proven, is positive. He arranged five fundamental sciences: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in ascending order of their complexity.







According to the understanding of Comte, complexity increases from mathematics to biology, and he kept sociology at the top of it, due to its complexity.

He has distinguished between Inorganic Science and Social Science. The former science shows the interaction between separate elements, whereas the social science focuses on social statics and social dynamics. Social statics deals with the forces that hold sciences together, and social dynamics deals with the social changes, as society is dynamic.

System de Politique Positive (System of Positive Polity)

Comte published the System de Politique positive in 1851, which has four volumes. He proposed the idea of reorganizing society through his work. System de Politique Positive has one of the famous concepts, the Law of Three Stages: Theological Stage, Metaphysical Stage, and Positivistic Stage.

Theological Stage (before 1300)

Metaphysical Stage (1300-1800)

Positivistic Stage (1800- present)

 According to Comte, social evolution is based on the evolution of knowledge, which leads to the next stage:

The Theological Stage: when people used to believe that, everything is explained by the supernatural and divine forces.

The Metaphysical Stage: when people started to understand things based on abstract notions.

The Positivistic Stage: Now, people have started believing in scientific laws and empirical facts.

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