Wednesday 21 July 2021

Sociologists And Their Notable Works (G)

 The given list of the social thinkers and their concepts and works.


Works Or Concepts

Thinkers And Authors

Symbolic Interaction

G. H. Mead

Mind, Self & Society

G. H. Mead

Reflexive Role Taking

G. H. Mead

The Internationalisation of Social Control

G. H. Mead



Presentation of Self in Everyday Life


Method in Social Research

Goock & Hatt

The Human Group

George Homans

Closed & Open Group

George Homans

The Exchange Theory

George Homans

The Six Fundamental Propositions of Exchange

George Homans

History & Class Consiousness

Georg Lukacs

Open-Close Society

Gunnar Myrdal

Soft State

Gunnar Myrdal


Gunnar Myrdal

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