Tuesday 20 July 2021

Sociologists And Their Notable Works (A)

 The given list of the social thinkers and their concepts and works. 


Works Or Concepts

Thinkers And Authors

Phenomenology of Social World

Alfred Schultz 

Law of Three Stages 

Auguste Comte 

Social Statics & Social Dynamics 

Auguste Comte 

Positive Organism

Auguste Comte 

Social Physics 

Auguste Comte

Cours de Philosophie 

Auguste Comte

The Class Structure Of The Advanced Societies

Anthony Giddens 


Anthony Giddens

Genetic & Congregate Group

Anthony Giddens 

A Consequences of Modernity

Anthony Giddens

The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy

Anthony Giddens


A. R. Radcliff Brown

Need & Necessary Condition of Existence

A. R. Radcliff Brown

Solidarity of Sibling Group

A. R. Radcliff Brown

Folk-Urban Continuum

A. R. Radcliff Brown

Underdevelopment or Resolution

A. G. Frank


A. G. Frank

The Third Wave

Alvin Toffler 

Action & Its Environment

A.C. Jeffery 

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